
Client Focused & Tech Centered

In Our Approach

Less Transactional & More Transformational

In Our Execution

At RICHT, we take a distinctive business-minded approach to the practice of law.

We view client success as our own and believe that by adding value beyond the matter or transaction at hand, we are, in turn, creating goodwill and value for both the clients as well as for the firm.

With that approach at the fore, we view technology as advantageous and not something to be avoided. We strive to understand client business landscapes and associated challenges, which allows us to take a comprehensive view and not a siloed or partial one. In turn, we can go beyond the current matter to add transformational business value.


Our Practices Areas

At RICHT, we focus on providing clients with clarity in several key practice areas with unique synergies: privacy and cybersecuritymarketing and media, and technology and blockchain. We are not a "one-stop shop," as we think it is inevitable that the result is being a "jack of all trades but a master of none." Since our core practice areas and complementary services are highly dynamic, we must concentrate relatively narrowly to provide clients with robust counsel. Further, our specialty service offerings of LexoCrypto, RICHTPOLICY, and RICHT&Co. allow us to bring additional unique value to clients via strategic focus, policy, and advocacy, as well as technical capabilities. The synergies that run through all of our practice areas are that they are emerging, rapidly evolving, and technology-driven. 


Law That Knows Business™

Client Focused & Tech Centered™

Less Transactional/More Transformational™

Our Specialty Services



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Alternative Fee Structures

While sectors across the spectrum have seen disruption and subsequent improvements in efficiency and capability, we believe the legal industry has been slow to evolve.

In our opinion, such an unwillingness to change is, in large part, due to historically misaligned interests between client and law firm. Because of the hourly billing fee structure, law firms remained not incentivized to be efficient in the handling of client matters. In fact, to the contrary, firms had a vested interest in being quite inefficient to maximize billable hours.

The misalignment caused by the billable hour is one of the primary reasons that law firms are notorious for being laggards when it comes to new technology adoption that has the potential to both minimize expenditure of needless resources as well as increase transparency.

We, therefore, ensure that we are on the cutting edge of technology adoption and development that will, in turn, increase efficiencies and, more importantly, value to clients. We also offer a variety of alternative fee structures that go beyond the traditional billable hour. This, in turn, helps us structure client engagements that work in tandem with client interests.


"The world of commerce, data, and technology

are becoming

increasingly intertwined."

A Note From The Founder Of The Firm

The world of commerce, data, and technology are becoming increasingly intertwined. Originally coming from the world of business and strategy, my entrance into the legal field was concurrent with when discussions of the pending new privacy and data protection laws such as the GDPR and CCPA were coming to the fore. As these regulations were debated and eventually passed, I had a front-row seat combined with a unique perspective. I understood the realities of marketing and business considerations. I focused on using that technical know-how in my day-to-day assisting clients with the often opaque and dynamic regulatory landscape. The ethos at RICHT is to provide clients with creative solutions that balance legal risk with business aims and add transformational value to client businesses beyond just the matter at hand.