
Helping Amazon FBA Sellers Navigate

A Profitable Exit Of Their Business

In only a few years, we have seen the exponential growth of Amazon aggregators purchasing successful Amazon FBA stores, private label brands, and other eCommerce businesses. Some of the largest of these aggregators have raised billions of dollars to acquire what they view as opportunities to take already successful Amazon marketplace brands to new heights. The business model takes strategies from the playbook popular among private equity firms who operate with the ethos that incorporating efficiencies and new business lines into existing businesses often translates into significant profit jumps. The large funding war chests raised by the Amazon aggregators have resulted in Amazon sellers and other eCommerce business owners being offered handsome sums. At RICHT, in addition to our full suite of Amazon seller law services such as suspension appeals, IP protection matters, and litigation, we have expanded our offering to counsel Amazon sellers navigating an exit, merger, or acquisition. From negotiation to deal structuring, we are uniquely positioned to provide a value add to sellers seeking to get the best deal for the business they worked so hard to build. 


Find Out About How We Can Help You Navigate The Successful Sale Of Your Amazon Store

    Amazon Seller Law News



    A fraudster paid $160,000 to recruit moles inside Amazon to help him hijack other sellers' accounts and products, a new report reveals

    The fraudster known as Krasr paid off moles inside of Amazon to help him hijack other sellers’ accounts and copy their products, according to company documents reviewed by Reveal and Wired.

    Amazon Seller Law

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