Welcome to our “Online Terms & The Law Resource Hub,” your comprehensive guide to the ever-evolving landscape of digital legal agreements. As a law firm focused on crafting robust terms and conditions for websites and applications, we understand the critical importance of staying ahead in this dynamic field. Our resource hub serves as a central repository for the latest legal developments, best practices, and expert insights on online terms and their wide-ranging considerations and implications. From the nuances of contract formation methods like clickwrap vs. browsewrap to the intricacies of dispute resolution clauses such as arbitration, intellectual property protection such as trademarks and copyrights, and emerging issues surrounding online reviews and artificial intelligence, terms and conditions are all-encompassing. Additionally, we emphasize the vital relationship between terms and conditions and privacy policies, ensuring that your legal agreements not only protect your business interests but also uphold user data rights and privacy compliance more generally. Whether you’re a startup launching your first app or an established enterprise refining your digital presence, our hub offers valuable resources to help you navigate the complex world of online terms and ensure your digital agreements are both legally sound and user-friendly. Explore our regularly updated sections to stay informed about the latest trends and legal requirements in this crucial aspect of your online business.
In Re: Updates of Terms
- Court of Appeals Upholds Clickwrap Agreement: A discussion of ‘Wu v. Uber Techs., Inc.,’ where the New York Court of Appeals upheld the enforceability of “click-wrap” agreements and also held that issues of the scope of an arbitration agreement were delegated to the arbitrator. The author believes the decision “provides valuable guidance for businesses using websites and apps to ensure their terms of use are found enforceable.”
- Court Upholds Google’s Ad TOS Amendment to Add an Arbitration Clause: At issue is Google’s September 2017 amendment of its Advertising TOS to add an arbitration clause.
Terms of Use Considerations
- Terms of Use: 10 Things You Agree to When Visiting a Website: Every time you click on a website, you are entering into a contract – often without even realizing it. While we casually browse, download content or make online purchases, we are simultaneously agreeing to a set of terms and conditions that outline our rights and obligations. You will often see these terms in the website footer as “Terms of Use” or “Terms of Service.” Here is a closer look at the 10 most common things you are likely agreeing to when you visit a website.
Terms & Data Use
- Mozilla is already revising its new Firefox terms to clarify how it handles user data: The terms had been criticized for appearing to give Mozilla broad ownership of user data, but the company now wants to emphasize the limited ways it uses your data. Read More →